Claim Rejection Realities: Exploring The Common Causes Of Workers' Compensation Denial

Workers' compensation claims are essential to ensuring workers receive medical and financial assistance in the event of an injury, illness, or disability while on the job. However, there are several reasons why your claim could be denied. Understanding these common causes of denial can help you ensure that your workers' compensation claim is successfully approved.

This article will explore the most common causes of workers' compensation claim denial and provide you with helpful tips to ensure that your claim is approved.

Pre-Existing Injury or Condition

If you have a pre-existing injury or condition, it could negatively affect your workers' compensation claim. You might not be eligible for compensation if your injury is related to an existing medical condition.

For instance, if you have a pre-existing back injury and aggravate it while on the job, your claim for workers' compensation may be denied. The opposing side might argue that your current injury resulted from a pre-existing condition and not a workplace accident.

The best way to avoid this rejection is to inform your employer of any pre-existing conditions at the time of hire. This way, they can work to ensure proper safety measures are taken for your health and well-being.

For instance, if you work for a construction company and have a pre-existing back condition, your employer should be aware of this issue. They can provide you with any necessary accommodations to reduce your risk of injury or aggravating the condition. Your employer could also provide training materials to help you understand how to safely perform your duties without causing further injury.

If your claim is rejected due to a pre-existing injury or condition, you can appeal the decision. You need to provide medical evidence to demonstrate that your current injury is not related to a pre-existing condition. Your lawyer could bring in expert witnesses to testify on your behalf and provide evidence to support your claim.

Delayed Notification

If you don't notify your employer about an on-the-job injury immediately, your claim could be denied. You should report the accident right away to ensure there is a proper paper trail of the incident.

If you wait too long to report the injury, it could be difficult for your employer to assess the situation. Remember, with time, evidence can become lost or degraded, making it difficult to prove the cause of your injury. That's why you need to tell your employer about the injury or accident as soon as possible.

Keep a record of what happened and how you were injured. Include any witness statements, photographs, and medical records that could help support your claim. Any evidence that can put a time stamp on the incident can help you provide proof of when and how the injury occurred.

To learn more, contact a work injury law firm in your area such as Gilbert, Blaszcyk & Milburn LLP.
