Why Your Job Might Lead To A Repetitive Motion Workers' Compensation Claim

A substantial percentage of work-related injuries are the result of repetitive strain. If you are suffering from pain and you don't know where it is coming from, there are several activities at work that might be the culprit. Under these circumstances, you might be entitled to compensation through workers' compensation benefits.

Activities That Lead to Repetitive Strain Injuries

Many activities that seem common and mundane can lead to injuries. For example, sitting at a desk and typing can lead to repetitive strain, as can using a computer mouse, operating a register, and sitting or standing for long periods of time.

Driving or operating heavy machinery can also lead to repetitive strain injuries. If you work on an assembly line, you may begin to experience pain after years of hard work. 

If you are often twisting or bending, this can lead to injuries developing over time. You may also suffer injuries as a result of carrying heavy loads. Connecting your repetitive injuries to your workplace is crucial because you must prove that your injuries are the result of work-related activities.

The Connection Between Repetitive Motions and Workplace Injuries

Because of how repetitive injuries arise, you may find it difficult to prove that your injuries were specifically the result of work. This is because repetitive strain injuries can arise over the course of many years and can have multiple possible causes. However, depending on the nature of your work, you may be able to prove that it is very likely that your injuries were caused at work.

If you are working in a very hot or cold climate, you are much more likely to suffer from repetitive strain injuries. You might need to hold a particular position for a long period of time. You may be pressured to work for a long shift, or you might work for a long time without a break. Regardless, you shouldn't allow your employer to downplay your injuries.

Your Injuries Might Be Serious

The pain that you may experience as a result of repetitive strain injuries can be severe and debilitating. However, your employer might try to downplay your injuries so that the company does not have to file a claim or so that your claim will be denied.

Therefore, you will need help from an experienced workers' compensation attorney who will help you gather the evidence necessary to make the case that you deserve compensation for your injuries at work.

To learn more, contact a workers' compensation lawyer.
