How Long Will Your Recovery From A Car Accident Take?

If a car accident has left you in serious condition, it can seem like a long road back to normalcy. Accidents that cause victims to suffer from long hospitalizations, multiple surgeries, and a long convalescence take their toll on families too. It's absolutely vital that victims make the at-fault driver pay for the damage they have done and that means long-term damage too. Read on to find out more.

What Not to Do

Don't fall prey to the insurance adjuster for the other driver. They may phone you and ask you to participate in an interview about the accident and your injuries. You could be making a big mistake if you agree to this interview. Once it has become clear that you were not at fault for the accident and that your injuries are serious, the other side will want to decrease their liability for the accident. They do this, in part, by attempting to place the blame for the accident on you, the victim. Don't get taken advantage of by the other side. You are not required to talk to them, so don't.

Another sticky area is that of offers to settle. Make no mistake about it, settlements are the way to go with an accident. With a settlement, you are paid quickly and you don't need to take your case to trial. Unfortunately, most victims don't realize how much money they should be paid after an accident with serious injuries. The sum offered may sound generous, but it often doesn't include key damages like pain and suffering, lost wages, and future medical needs.

About Future Medical Needs

You may not know what your future medicals need are until some time after the accident. If you accept a settlement too soon, you could be missing much-needed compensation to cover future surgeries, medications, rehabilitation, and more. To determine how much you need, medical and economic experts are consulted. Additionally, you may be asked to undergo a special medical exam to help determine your medical status at this time. Once you agree to a settlement and sign the check and the accident release, you cannot go back and seek more damages — the case is over.

Be Wise and Seek Help

Don't let the other side trick you out of the compensation you need and deserve. Speak to a personal injury lawyer and let them take on the burden of making sure you are paid what you are owed for the accident, both now and for future needs.

For more information, contact an auto accident attorney in your area.
