After a car accident, you might be tempted to try to handle your personal injury case on your own. You may think that by doing so, you can save money and more of your settlement will go in your pocket. However, this is often a mistake, and you may actually be losing money if you fail to hire an auto accident lawyer.
Focus on Your Recovery
After an accident, you will want to focus on your recovery. There is a lot of work that needs to be done, and you must engage in the discovery process. This can be more difficult without the help of an auto accident attorney. Your attorney will interview witnesses, contact experts who can help get to the bottom of what occurred during your accident, and research case law to determine if it supports your case.
Your attorney will review your legal options and help you determine the best route to take. For example, your attorney might argue that you should attempt to settle out of court with the defendant's insurance provider in most cases, but your attorney may encourage you to fight the case in court under less common circumstances. Even if you don't believe you have a case, it's worthwhile to have a short conversation with an auto accident attorney.
An attorney will also help you make sure that you meet all of your filing deadlines. Failing to meet a deadline might lead to your case being delayed or may even lead to your case being dismissed. For example, in many states, the statute of limitations for filing a car accident lawsuit is two years.
Calculating Your Damages
Once you and your auto accident lawyer have decided to go forward with your case, you'll want to calculate your damages. With minor accidents, your only damages might include car repair expenses, rental expenses, and lost wages due to not having a vehicle. However, never assume that you haven't suffered from a physical injury.
Even if you don't experience any pain after the accident, you may have suffered an injury that you're not even aware of. Failing to receive medical treatment promptly can damage your case because the defense may argue that you must not have been so injured if you didn't receive prompt medical care.
If you do choose to settle out of court, your auto accident attorney will have the experience and training to more effectively negotiate the best possible settlement.
To learn more, contact a resource like Schonberg Law Offices with offices in Monroe/Woodbury, Newburgh & Poughkeepsie.